The 14th Annual DMFS Canada Summit returns to Toronto in 2024 with digital marketing experts from top Canadian and North American financial brands. Secure your spot today and discover how to:
- Seize the digitalization revolution: Unleash unprecedented ROI advantage in financial services marketing
- Master the new range of AI, data analytics, and blockchain and select your ultimate IT tools
- Build greater engagement through the optimum mix of channels, platforms and digital marketing tools for maximum impact
- Dive deeper into enhanced social media strategies, storytelling, and SEO
- Compete more effectively in the age of intense competition by increasing all your products ‘stand out’ and engage capacity
- Share insights and best digital marketing practices with over 40+ senior Financial Services
Marketing Leaders
Get your ticket to join Canada and North America’s top banks, credit unions, insurers, investment banks and fintechs, including National Bank of Canada, Axos Bank, Parnassus Investments, Copperfin Credit Union, and many more!
A GROUP DISCOUNT is available. Register 4 or more by contacting us at: customercare@strategyinstitute.com or 1-866-298-9343 ext. 200 for pricing.
Register Today, Limited Availability
Price $1,695.00
- FULL TWO-DAY ACCESS: Take advantage of keynote sessions, panel discussions, case studies, interactive roundtables and one week of pre-event networking via our dedicated platform.
- FACE-TO-FACE NETWORKING: Connect and build valuable relationships with our audience of DMFS thought leaders.
- 5-STAR TREATMENT: Enjoy the complimentary breakfast, lunch, and cocktail reception, all within one stunning location.
- EXPO HALL: Form lasting business partnerships, test drive the latest solutions and gather exclusive content from industry-leading experts.
- SPEAKER PRESENTATIONS: Take home PowerPoints and white papers addressing your biggest challenges.
- ON-DEMAND ACCESS: Conveniently rewatch any session for up to 3 months after the event.
Price $1,395.00
- TWO-DAY LIVE STREAM ACCESS: Tune into keynote sessions, panel discussions and case studies with real-time Q&A from the comfort of your home
- VIRTUAL NETWORKING: Connect and build valuable relationships with our audience of DMFS thought leaders. thought leaders through topic message boards, interactive roundtables, and one-on-one discussions via our private messaging tool
- VIRTUAL EXPO HALL: Form lasting business partnerships, test drive the latest solutions and gather exclusive content from industry-leading experts
- SPEAKER PRESENTATIONS: Take away PowerPoints and white papers addressing your biggest challenges
- SPEAKER PRESENTATIONS: Take home PowerPoints and white papers addressing your biggest challenges
- ON-DEMAND ACCESS: Conveniently rewatch any session for up to 3 months after the event
- Contact Darren Haughian, Sponsorship Manager
- Reach out for more information with a 24-hour turnaround!
- Phone: 1-866-298-9343 ext. 276
- Email: darren@strategyinstitute.com
Date & Time :
Tuesday, June 11 &
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Hyatt Regency Toronto
Toronto, Ontario